Monday 18 November 2013

The tough ask named "FOOD BUDGET" @ IISc freshers......

Today was not an ordinary day for me. Yah I withdrew Rs500/- from SBI ATM and the best part is I almost spent all the money at that bullshit Chinese restaurant. Well 'bullshit' was not the correct expression. The taste was good. This thing doesn't happen to me everyday who tries be in budget of Rs 30/- per meal . Yeah I know man what you are thinking but there are ways by which you can minimize the budget. Yeah you can also make it to Rs 22/- .Well the process is not so easy. An opportunistic observer can only go that far by satisfying the stomach and taste to some extent. Yeah one day I even completed my lunch by spending only Rs 16/-. Yeah it was not so great but decent. But for a guy who eats less that thing may be minimized to Rs 10/- (yeah 'poori' at Kabini , IISc). Well the interesting eating life of IISc for a fresher is really weird. First they are forced to the D- Mess which is a really a mess of uncanny dishes. Then guys sign out from the mess and thinks of keeping themselves inside a proper food budget less than what the D-Mess charges. Well the result is sometimes reversed. The guys never go out without friends and that's the whole dilemma of budget life. The orders never stop short. Their likes find a new texture and of course sharing the courses among the friends become a new attitude. And of course the bill remains the last debate. When we talk about likes , we mean really weird likes. Think of me , I have never tasted lamb meat in my life but when I got there at that (bullshit) Chinese restaurant today I ordered a lamb dish which when served I almost had tears in my eyes( by the  amount it was served and the relative price of Rs 200/-). The best thing is that some of those guys who sign out are really clever. They slip into the D-Mess without showing the mess card to have "FREE FOOD" when the budget scheme falls apart. But there comes the Bengalis. These guys even go a step ahead for this thing. Well the Bengalis are people who like to eat at a cheap price. The Rasgulla of Prakruti of IISc ( @ Rs 14/-) hardly gains their satisfaction. The Prakruti "Samosas" make them cry ( per piece @ Rs 14/-). Yeah it made me cry when I found the bullshit price. My precious samosas ( boo hoo) !!!! Some Bengalis search the place named "Aastha" a Bengali restaurant. Some even help themselves with the help of GOOGLE MAPS !!!! They go their and find their normal ( well this is an exasperation) Bengali food. Some are so much moved by Aastha price scheme that they even subscribe their hostel delivery services. Yeah some of my friends have done it. Sunday is the worst day as the Budget moderator "Kabini" (@ IISc) remains closed and people have to go to Gymcafe or Prakruti or outside. Frankly speaking the food budget for the UG freshers is really a tough ask........

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